Today I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the people
that I have met; the journey so far has been fantastic. Sure, I haven't been able to get all of the people that I wanted to get but that was to be expected. Schedules and locations have posed problems, but as always, I continue to strive to do my best. My poor car has logged thousands of miles driving all over the place to get interviews. It's a good thing I like being on the road and all the miles have been worth it.
What I have liked the most about this process has been hearing stories, both on the record and off the record. The off the record comments are priceless to me. It's too bad my audience will never get to hear them but that's all part of being a professional; I know and I'll have those

There are a few more interviews I have lined up this summer and then that's all the interviewing I'm doing for Part One. Yes Part One! I have decided to put together an additional hour long piece to follow this one. The information that I'm getting and the people are too good not to make a Part Two. I also hope to include many of the people that I was not able to get in Part One due to scheduling conflicts.
Making this movie has been very exciting and I hope to pass on to as many people as possible, especially students, the knowledge that I have gained from those brave Civil Rights participants.
Along this journey, I have experienced some sadness due to the passing of several people that I have interviewed. Part of the reason I decided to do this documentary was that I knew many of the participants in the movement were getting older in their years, and I wanted to be able to document them in their own words. I didn't realize, however, how soon the memories would start to fade.
I am very grateful to all who have invited me into their homes and allowed me to interview and talk with them. I am also very honored that I am allowed to let those who have passed on tell their stories in their own words. This I do not take lightly! We learn from the people who have been there and lived through it. In their memories I strive to do my best.