Since this is entry is about the production I'll start off with the technical stuff. The entire music

video was shot with a Canon 60D at 1080p with Nikon glass. The lenses I used were 24mm 2.8, 35-70mm zoom, 85mm 1.8, and a 80-200mm 2.8 zoom. This was the first music video that I've shot with a DSLR. My support rigs were designed and made by me to work especially for this shoot and DSLR work. Here is my custom shoulder mount and

skateboard mini dolly.
My shoulder rig was fitted with Express 35 rails, an Ikan friction follow focus, a Lilliput 7"monitor, and a Redrock 4" monitor arm. I also brought my old Panasonic SD 19" monitor and a DV Crane jib arm for my overhead shots. We used my 24" iMac on set to download and view playback if I felt the need.
For lighting I used a small LED dimmable 500 watt equivalent and a secret light that my friend and co-DP is going to market. More on that later! I do have to say that his daylight lights rock. We also used two tungsten lights a DP and an Omni with colored gels for backgrounds.
We worked a small crew and I gave my three interns jobs on the set. Jvon shot behind the scenes. Lawrence was PA and Wrangler. Nathan was PA andGrip. They did a great job for this being their second real production.

The rest of the crew was rounded out with Andrea on set design, Dan as Co-DP, and Diana as BTS photographer. All of these photos were taken by Diana.
The shoot had many setups and five clothing changes it really kept us moving as we only had the location for one day. We shot what would be the equivalent of a two day shoot in one day and night but we got it done and the footage looks good!
Now off to edit it!